Main Characters in the Novel Animal Farm

Main Characters in the Novel Animal Farm

A piece of work of fictions contains many characters used by writers to convey their ideas and develop the story. Similarly, the important characters in Brute Farm convey George Orwell's ideas and criticism of dictatorial regimes. In allegorical forms, the characters in the form of animals refer to the real personalities of those times. Some of the important characters are discussed below.

Important Characters in Animal Subcontract

Character #1


Napoleon is very of import simply a corrupt character in the novel. As a sus scrofa, he is the role of the rebellion since the offset. To capitalize on the given opportunity to make a fortune is his motto. Every bit soon every bit he gets the coveted power, he forgets all the promises he has made to the animals earlier. Then he starts displaying his own corrupt ways of living. Though he represents the Soviet leader, Stalin, he is too the embodiment of all politicians having the similar graphic symbol traits of deception, manipulation, and exploitation. He is superb not merely in using wily tactics but also in manipulating minds through his deputy, Hog, some other clever pig. By the end of the novel, Napoleon is successful in driving out all of his opponents from the animal farm.

Character #2

Old Major

The Erstwhile Major is an old boar having large tusks. Orwell creates the Onetime Major to correspond Karl Marx. It is because he is the originator of the Communist Revolution in Russia despite his untimely death before it. The writer treats this character with dignity, honor, and respect. Information technology is also articulate that he wins the same respect from other animals. However, Orwell exposes some of his weaknesses. Though he makes long speeches elucidating man'southward tyranny toward animals, he does not do much laborious work in the novel to prove his own sincerity to the cause.

Character #iii


Snowball is a 2nd class leader amongst the pigs. He works with Napoleon for the revolution. Also, he the primary thinker afterwards the Erstwhile Major. He is not only intelligent but likewise very passionate nigh the welfare of his animal brothers. However, he is tricked by Napoleon as shortly as Napoleon establishes his own superiority. Despite his oratory and eloquence, his cleverness proved second to Napoleon. That is why he has to flee persecution at the hands of Napoleon. By the terminate of the novel, though he is missing, he becomes a scapegoat for whatever bad happens to animals on the farm.

Character #iv


Squealer is an agile and pocket-size sus scrofa, who is the propaganda secretary of Napoleon. He is very smart in using his tusks and legs as writing tools. He abuses the linguistic communication for the good of his primary. He creates and apology the slogans according to the situation after Napoleon establishes his supremacy over others. For example, when his master, Napoleon tries to establish good terms with man beings, he amends his quondam slogan thus; "Four legs skilful, two legs improve" from the old one "2 legs bad." He too deceives the elementary illiterate animals using tricky and challenging language. In fact, he is the representative of Goebbels, the famous propaganda minister of Hitler in Nazi Germany.

Character #5


Boxer is a horse and the most sincere and caring animal on the subcontract. He becomes very popular for his passion for the revolution, his sincerity with the cause and his hardworking nature. He is quite gullible with his unproblematic motto that Comrade Napoleon is ever right. He possesses all the qualities of a hardworking, dedicated and loyal worker. Still, his services are not best-selling past the decadent rulers. He works hard until he is no longer capable. Later on, he is sold to a glue manufacturing plant owner when he falls ill. This situation of Boxer represents the plight of poor working classes in all kinds of societies.

Graphic symbol #6


Mr. Jones is the representative of cruel human beings in the beast farm as referred by the Quondam Major. He owned the farm before the revolt of the animals. Subsequently the revolution, the animals occupy the whole farm and expel him by kicking and butting him. He remains drunk most of the time which leads to the neglect and ultimately defection of the hungry animals. Following his expulsion, he tries to get it back. All the same, he never comes back though his shadow is shown as a lurking threat by the clever Squealer.

Character #7


Clover is a cute mare and Boxer's best friend. She is also a kindhearted character in the novel. She oft discerns when the pigs violate rules, for they have formulated for all other animals. Still, she is so simple-hearted that when such a thought crosses her mind, she thinks that information technology is her misreading of the circumstances. She represents rather innocent man beings who e'er trust schemes of their rulers as skilful acts taken for their welfare.

Grapheme #8


Pilkington is i of the owners of the neighboring farms who feels threatened past the activities of the animals in Jones' farm. He has been shown equally the shrinking British Empire during the time of the Russian Revolution. The size of his farm is also symbolic of the unruly British Empire nearing its end.

Character #nine

Mr. Frederick

He is the possessor of the Pinchfiled farm. He is a clever man who keeps himself decorated with litigations with others. He is commonly non at good terms with his neighbors. However, rebellion in the animal subcontract brings him close to his other neighbour, Mr. Pilkington. He spreads faux news nearly the animate being farm that the animals practice cannibalism. Later, both of them strike a deal with Napoleon who is the ruler of the animal farm. His hypocrisy represents the hypocrisy of the neighboring countries post-obit the Russian Revolution.

Grapheme #10


Perhaps, Benjamin, the donkey is the just rational animal on the brute subcontract.  He predicts well before time well-nigh the plight of the subcontract animals. He is very practical as he states that their lives will never develop and always be the same, even if the rulers keep irresolute. This proves correct in the cease. The weakness, even so, in his nature is too exposed by Orwell which is that he cannot oppose the idea of pigs to rebel and rule. Instead, he compromises and goes on living with them come up what may.


Main Characters in the Novel Animal Farm



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