How to Make a Modded Minecraft Server for Free TUTORIAL

How to Make a Modded Minecraft Server for Free

In this gratis CodaKid tutorial, we will be providing stride by stride instructions on how to make a Minecraft Server in 2022- including how to host your server for free.

In add-on to guidance on how to set up free Minecraft server hosting, we provide footstep by footstep instructions on how you lot tin set up multiplayer games that you tin play with your friends and family.

Nosotros at CodaKid live and breathe Minecraft, and we teach tens of thousands of students each yr Minecraft Modding using the Java programming language. We promise that you lot enjoy this guide!

Pace 1: Get Minecraft Java Edition

These instructions crave that you ain the Minecraft Java Edition. If y'all own the pocket, console, or Windows ten edition of Minecraft, yous will non be able to host your ain custom server. Minecraft Java Edition tin exist purchased and downloaded here.

If you already own Minecraft Coffee Edition, then you can proceed to Step 2.

Footstep two: Get the Latest Version of Java

The first step in setting up a Minecraft server is making sure you have the latest version of Java installed. Minecraft requires Java to run the game and having the latest version will help us run our server without issues.

You tin can install the latest version of Java here. Once there, click the red Java Download push button as you can see beneath:

How To Make a Minecraft Server

And then, read and have the terms by clicking the red "Concord and Commencement Free Download" button.

How To Make a Minecraft Server 2

The Java setup run file should at present be in the download folder of your computer. If you lot need help with finding the download folder, type in "downloads" into your computer search bar and open the Downloads binder.

Once in the downloads folder find the JavaSetup executable file and run this application. A popup window may appear request if the application can make changes to your computer. Click to permit access, you may be asked to provide a password for these permissions.

In one case the application loads click to install Coffee.

How To Make a Minecraft Server - Installing Java

You may be asked to uninstall a previous Java version, do so as keeping an older version does not help with our server setup.

Once any previous versions are removed continue through the window prompts until Java is downloaded and up to engagement.

The showtime step in setting up a Minecraft server should now be complete. The following step we must take is downloading and setting up the actual Minecraft server binder.

Footstep three: Download the Minecraft Server

The first footstep in downloading a Minecraft server is to download the Server.jar file from the Minecraft website.

Optional: If you lot want an older version, you lot can discover a list of Minecraft versions below. Be sure to click the Server jar on the version y'all want to brand sure you lot have the Server.jar required for the next step.


The post-obit link has the latest version to download from the official Minecraft website.

One time on the folio, click the Download Minecraft server jar link every bit shown.

How To Make a Minecraft Server - Download Java Edition Server

Note: You may have a different version number than shown in the picture. This is okay as the latest version of Minecraft is constantly being updated.

Your reckoner may notify y'all that the file could be harmful to your calculator. This is because any .jar file is treated as harmful when downloading in most browsers and computers. Simply click Keep equally this is an official Minecraft server .jar file we tin trust.

Before nosotros run this .jar file we want to create a folder for it that will hold all of the files. A common practice is to create the server folder on your desktop. To do this, go to your desktop and correct click on an open up infinite. Go to New > Binder and click to create a new empty folder.

Once information technology is clicked it will let you alter the name of the folder, so name it something then y'all know it is your Minecraft Server.

Now return to your Downloads folder the aforementioned way we did earlier and right click on the Server.jar to copy information technology as nosotros will paste it into the new folder nosotros made in the next pace.

Once y'all have the Server.jar copied, return to your desktop and open the server folder we made earlier. Then right click in the empty folder and paste in the copied .jar file.

With this server file in the folder, right click on it and printing open to run the application. This will create some configuration files you will need for your server and they will be neatly placed in the new folder nosotros made.

With these files, nosotros need to take the EULA agreement in order for our server to run without shutting down immediately. Open the eula.text file.

With this open y'all should see the line eula=false. Change this to read eula=true as shown below.

Once the change is made go to File > Salve to save the text document and then the understanding is complete. Y'all can then exit out of the eula text document.

The next stride is to run the server.jar file again to download more folders needed. Open the server.jar file to launch the server.

You should see a lot of new text documents too as a server window that opens upward as shown beneath.

Your new server is officially launched and ready to go! Players should be able to find your server game in the multiplayer tab if they are on the aforementioned cyberspace connection your server is setup on. If you desire to run the server and then your friends tin can bring together your game from a different cyberspace connection, we have a section lower that covers this.

Before we cover playing globally with your friends, allow'southward cover some commands we can use with our server as well equally some server customization.

Step 4: Commands to Run the Server

The next step we are going to do is create a batch file nosotros can use to launch our server and aid it run smoother to preclude as much lag every bit possible. The offset stride will be to create a new text certificate that we volition salve as a .bat file. Get into your server binder and right click to create a new text document.

Once this document is made name it something hands recognizable as the file that will get-go our server.

Once it is renamed, double click to open the certificate and add together in the text as shown beneath. These are commands to aid our server run smoothly.

Make a Minecraft server with Java

Let's break down exactly what these commands are and what they do for our server. The -Xms1024M and -Xmx1024M are two lines that help the server run with more RAM retention. This allocates a gigabyte of ram retention for the server to run on.

The -jar and server.jar run the server jar file we have in the same folder. Important note: if your jar file is named something dissimilar than server.jar, y'all need to have the exact name of the file written out.

Finally, the suspension at the cease lets the window running the batch file stay open up. This is helpful to spot any issues that may be crashing your server on launch or during gameplay.

Next, nosotros need to salve this file. Get to File > Save As to salve this file every bit nosotros volition be irresolute it to a batch file instead of a text document.

Once in the save as menu, go downward to where says save as a text document and change this to all files. This lets us change the type of file it will exist saved as.

With all files selected, add together ".bat" onto the terminate of the filename and and so relieve. This will create a new version of your beginning server file that is at present a batch file.

The side by side step is to delete the old text document so we are not dislocated as to which is the file we demand. The text file should say the type of file is a Text Document this is the i nosotros desire to delete.

How to make a Minecraft server

Now y'all should test out the server and brand sure it launches with the batch file. Open upwards our new file and make certain the server starts. If it does not launch our server window, make sure you take the correct jar file proper name the command need to launch.

Once your server launches correctly become ahead an exit out of the server window as well as the command window that launched the server. We will now be customizing our server even further.

Step 5: Setting upwardly Server Backdrop

Now permit's look at some server properties we tin alter to customize what kind of Minecraft game you want to play in your server. Open up the server properties file.

Once here, y'all volition see a lot of text sections. Let's cover the nearly important ones and wait at the backdrop you will near likely want to change.

How to host your own Minecraft server

The properties highlighted in the above epitome are some of the most important ones you should be familiar with. The first "gamemode=survival" property determines the gamemode y'all and your players volition play in the server by default. This is set to survival significant you will accept hunger and health you will have to manage in game. Setting this to "gamemode=artistic" lets the players build, intermission, and fly equally they are untouchable and unkillable in this gamemode.

The next "spawn-monsters=true" is a property that tells the server monsters and dangerous enemies volition appear. Changing this to "spawn-monsters=imitation" will stop monsters from spawning even in survival mode.

One of the more than of import properties in our experience with minecraft servers is the side by side highlighted "pvp=true" line. PvP stands for thespian vs play so this controls whether or not players can damage each other. By default this is fix to true meaning players can hurt and damage ane another in game. Setting this to "pvp=false" will disable and power for players to damage each other.

The command line "enable-control-block=false" is a line that disables the utilize of the programming command cake in the server. Setting this to "enable-control-cake=true" volition let the command block be used. The command block is a helpful tool to get-go teaching the basics of coding to Minecraft players. CodaKid has helpful courses that review the employ of command blocks and the basics of programming with Minecraft.

Right below the command block line is the line that sets the maximum amount of players that can join the server. The default shown hither is "max-players=20" and then if y'all want a smaller server change this number to a lower amount or if you want to host many people, you can increase it.

The concluding two highlighted backdrop are the server-ip and level-name. The server-ip will exist used in the side by side step of port forwarding to play beyond the earth with your friends. The level-proper noun is what earth you lot play in your server. It is set to "earth" past default as a random Minecraft globe is generated when creating the server files. You are free to supercede it with whatever custom map or level y'all download on the cyberspace, merely y'all need to make sure to drop the whole map file in your server folder and then change the "level-name=globe" to "level-name=" the proper noun of your new map.

We at present have a bones understanding of our server properties and how to customize our server. At present let's do a picayune more than piece of work to make our server playable with friends.

Step six: Port Frontwards to Play Globally (Optional)

Port forwarding is what is required to let your friends connect to your server if they are non on the same local connection. If you want to play on a server locally on the same connectedness this step is not required. Information technology is important to note that port forwarding might crusade security risks so make certain y'all follow the port forwarding steps advisedly.

Every router is unlike when it comes to setting up port forwarding. A router is what is used to create a wireless internet connection. You need to follow the steps to accomplish your router'due south admin page as we will be port forwarding a specific port address that Minecraft will use. Go to the following link below and click on the listing of all routers and find your router. Skip all ads and do not download whatsoever software on this website. Additional software is not needed for this.

When you are on your specific router page follow the steps on setting upward a port frontward entry. This will differ from router to router merely the general steps in common with most routers will be the post-obit.
Create a static IP address

Login to your router and navigate the port forwarding section

Create a port frontwards entry

This website explains each footstep for your specific router in depth. When you go to the step of creating a port forward entry make certain you proper noun it something that is recognizable such as Minecraft and the port number should be 25565. The port forward website also has a very helpful explanation well-nigh port forwarding for Minecraft here.

Once you lot have this all setup, it is time to finally test your Minecraft server and seeing if everything is connected properly. The catchy part to examination your work on port forwarding is someone on a different connection than y'all has to test and see if they can connect to your Minecraft server. Port forrad has steps for this in the link to a higher place just we volition provide instructions for this below besides.

Step vii: Connecting to your Minecraft Server

Now allow'south connect to the server. The very first pace is to run our batch file to launch the server.

Connecting to your own Minecraft server

With the server launched, open your Minecraft launch page and make sure yous load the version of Minecraft that matches the jar yous downloaded. As of the writing of this article, Minecraft version 1.15 was the latest version and the server that was downloaded. Nevertheless, if this becomes outdated I can make a new server or but load up the 1.15 version of Minecraft. Information technology will be a skilful idea to make a launch version of Minecraft that nosotros tin can ever connect to our server with. To do this you tin go to the Installations tab and click the +New push button.

In one case here, you should name the installation with the server and version number of Minecraft and select the version every bit the release number your server download is. This is shown below for version 1.15 so make sure you change this to your Minecraft server version. Make sure to click create to finish this installation.

Side by side find it in your list and click Play to launch Minecraft.

Once Minecraft is launched go to the Multiplayer tab.

making your own Minecraft server

Once in the multiplayer tab, click Add Server.

On the new page after add server was clicked, make sure to add a server proper name and in the server address, this needs to exist your public IP address so other players can connect to you. The address shown in the picture is just an example. Make sure to enter your unique public IP address. This tin be found at the following link below. You may need to besides enter a colon and the port 25565 later the accost. And so an case is 123.456.789.0:25565.

make a Minecraft server

Once this is done you lot should see your server made and trying to connect. If y'all take a failed connection, check the ip accost you entered too as the port forwarding settings. If you come across a greenish connection bar with open spots to connect to your server, you tin can launch in and enjoy playing in your very own custom server!

Next Steps

Playing with a Modded Server

While hosting your server and playing with friends you may want to play with some mods. At that place is a helpful guide below that covers calculation mods to the server nosotros just setup! In order for your friends to play the modded server with you, they need to take the aforementioned mods as you exercise equally well as a forge modded version of Minecraft.

https://world wide

Creating your own Minecraft Mods

If you enjoy Minecraft Mods and want to create your ain custom mods for apply in your own servers, CodaKid has a serial of courses that can teach you how to make your own custom creatures, biomes, dimensions, insane explosions and special effects, and more!

Minecraft coding is fun and creative, and teaches you existent Java programming with the Eclipse IDE.

Our courses even include messaging and screenshare support from alive engineers if you ever go stuck, and our courses even come with a two week free trial!

We also offering individual online coding lessons that teach Minecraft Modding, Roblox Game Development, Python, Scratch three.0, JavaScript, Unity, Unreal Engine, and more.

We hope you enjoyed How to make your own Minecraft Server, the Ultimate 2021 Guide. If you enjoyed our Minecraft server tutorial, we'd love it if you could share it with friends.

How to make a Minecraft server

Also – for fans of modding, cheque out this free tutorial chosen How to install Minecraft Forge. Hope you find it helpful!

If you take whatever questions or comments, please exit them below! If your server configuration is not working, please brand sure to follow this tutorial once more and double cheque your work. You lot can besides write us and ask questions – all the same please keep in mind that we are extremely busy serving customers and we may have a few days to reply.


How to Make a Modded Minecraft Server for Free TUTORIAL

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